Dusan Stanic

Senior Software Engineer

Personal Profile

I am a highly skilled and dedicated Senior Software Engineer with a specialization in Kubernetes, Docker, Python, and CLI. With a practical approach to problem solving and a drive to see things through to completion, I have successfully combined my personal development with work and other commitments, showing myself to be self-motivated, organized, and capable of working under pressure. I enjoy working on my own initiative or in a team, and I am reliable, trustworthy, hardworking, and eager to learn.

Key Skills

  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Python
  • Azure Cloud
  • AWS
  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • Vault

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer - Nutanix

Dec 2020 - Present

At Nutanix, I served as a key player in the development and deployment of cloud-based solutions, primarily utilizing Azure and AWS. My specific responsibilities and achievements include:

  • Designed and implemented a fully automated CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes, resulting in a 30% decrease in time to production and a significant increase in development team efficiency.
  • Scripted cloud infrastructure using Terraform and Ansible, which automated routine tasks and reduced the chances of human error.
  • Played a key role in migrating multiple legacy systems to containerized applications using Docker and Kubernetes, improving scalability and resilience.
  • Led the implementation of a comprehensive monitoring solution with TICK stack, enabling real-time tracking of application and infrastructure performance, and quicker resolution of issues.
  • Enforced security and compliance best practices by integrating Vault into our workflow for secure access and secret management, significantly strengthening the system security.
  • Actively collaborated with cross-functional teams and stakeholders, driving efficiency in software delivery and ensuring adherence to DevOps best practices.
  • Utilized my Python scripting skills for automation tasks and for building custom tools needed for deployment, monitoring and maintenance of systems.

Senior DevOps Engineer - Endava

Aug 2018 - Dec 2020 (2 yrs 5 mo)

At Endava, I took on the responsibility of enhancing the DevOps pipeline and led the initiative to adopt new tools and practices. Some of my key achievements include:

  • Directed the migration of several major applications to Azure Cloud, improving system availability and scaling capabilities.
  • Architected and built scalable web applications using Python and Flask enhancing system responsiveness and performance.
  • Led the incorporation of Apache Airflow for scheduling complex data pipelines, resulting in improved efficiency and data accuracy.
  • Architected and built scalable web applications using Python Flask, enhancing the system's responsiveness and performance.
  • Successfully configured and managed Prometheus and Graphite for application monitoring and performance tuning.
  • Designed and implemented robust and scalable infrastructure using Terraform, Puppet, and Vault, reducing system downtime and improving security.
  • Led a team to containerize applications using Docker and Kubernetes, improving development speed and application scalability.

System Engineer Core Infrastructure - Société Générale

Jan 2017 - Aug 2018 (1 yr 8 mo)

At Société Générale, I managed core infrastructure services and was responsible for the development, implementation, and support of critical systems:

  • Engineered and deployed a monitoring and alerting system using Grafana, Centreon/Nagios, and Percona Monitoring and Management, which led to a more proactive approach to issue detection and automated recovery.
  • Implemented configuration management using Ansible and Puppet, streamlining the configuration process and improving system consistency.
  • Deployed Docker for containerization of applications, resulting in more efficient use of resources and enhanced scalability.
  • Performed ongoing performance tuning, upgrades, and resource optimization of Enterprise servers to ensure high availability of services.
  • Established robust disaster recovery plans, enhancing the organization's ability to recover from major incidents.
  • Collaborated with different teams to ensure seamless integration of new software and web products, significantly enhancing system functionality.
  • Introduced automation scripts using Python and C++, significantly reducing manual efforts and boosting productivity.

Linux System Engineer - NetCast

Oct 2015 - Dec 2016 (1yr 3mo)

As a Linux System Engineer at NetCast, my day-to-day responsibilities were varied and encompassed a broad range of tasks:

  • Initial set-up, configuration, and patching of OS and application software, mainly on RHEL 5/6/7, Ubuntu Server 14.04/16.04, and Debian 8 platforms.
  • Repaired and recovered from hardware or software failures, coordinating and communicating with impacted teams, using tools such as MySQL/MariaDB for database management and Zenoss NMS for network monitoring.
  • Ensured the correct level of security on the systems during daily work, leveraging my knowledge of LVM for logical volume management and Confluence Atlassian for collaboration and knowledge management.
  • Coordinated with different support teams to solve issues using Bash scripting and PHP to automate tasks and troubleshoot issues.
  • Worked on tools like Apache HTTPD and Sentora for server management, SMB and NFS for file sharing services, and Duplicity for backup purposes.
  • Managed virtual environments using VMware vSphere.
  • Developed custom tools with GLPI, an IT and asset management software, and maintained the overall IT service quality.

Freelance Technical Writer and Web Developer - Planeta Magazine / Bel Medic

Jan 2009 - Sep 2015 (6 yr 9mo)

In this multifaceted role, I applied my technical skills in writing, translation, and web development to support the digital transformation of Planeta Magazine, a Bel Medic subsidiary:

  • Performed adept translation of technical and scientific articles originally written in English, ensuring the preservation of intended meanings while making the content accessible for non-English-speaking audiences.
  • Authored engaging and insightful articles on various topics, demonstrating my ability to communicate complex ideas effectively to a broad audience.
  • Leveraged Joomla CMS to develop and maintain the Planeta Magazine website, incorporating responsive design and dynamic features to enhance user experience.
  • Implemented database solutions using MySQL, demonstrating my ability to handle data storage and retrieval efficiently.
  • Managed site hosting and server-related issues using CPanel, ensuring smooth and continuous operation of the website.

Key Technologies:

  • PHP 5.4
  • Bootstrap 3
  • MySQL
  • CPanel

Independent Tech Consultant - Drobilica


On my own initiative, I've developed and maintained a complex on-premise homelab environment. I've explored, tested, and deployed various cloud infrastructure and "serverless" services, including but not limited to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Oracle Cloud. In parallel, I've undertaken an array of projects to enhance my technical acumen and stay current with emerging technologies:

  • Engineered a home media and game center using Raspberry Pi, delivering a seamless entertainment experience.
  • Built serverless applications using Python Flask, gaining invaluable experience in modern back-end development.
  • Deployed ProxMox and KVM Hypervisor to virtualize resources in the homelab, improving system flexibility and scalability.
  • Managed data using XigmaNas/Nas4Free SMB server, ensuring robust data integrity and availability.
  • Automated system management tasks using Ansible/Puppet, reducing manual overhead and potential for human error.
  • Secured the network by establishing a Home VPN, providing safe and private internet access.
  • Set up a Gogs git for version control, facilitating better code management.
  • Hosted OpenRA Game servers for gaming enthusiasts, demonstrating my commitment to the tech community.


The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies Belgrade

Sep 2012 - Jun 2015

New Computer Technologies
Computing Curricula offering knowledge data basis for following fields of expertise: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technologies and Software Engineering.

Linux Foundation

Jun 2016 - Jun 2018

Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS )
License LFCS-1600-0860-0100